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Instrument Gas Skid

Fabrication and installation of a new skid to enable more reliable control and regulation of instrumentation gas. Quality Process Services were responsible for:

  • Site measurement for tie in spooling.

  • Procurement of all fabrication materials including pipe, fittings, studs, gaskets.

  • Workshop fabrication of all pipework.

  • Workshop fabrication of skid steelwork.

  • Trial assembly of skid pipework to ensure accurate fit up.

  • Non-destructive testing of all welds.

  • Workshop hydro-testing of all spools.

  • 3 coat system applied to all spools.

  • Installation of heat tracing.

  • Installation of insulation where required.

  • Assembly of skid pipework prior to mobilisation. Including flange management - to reduce the time in the field.

  • Transportation of assembled skid and tie in pipework to site.

  • Survey of skid location prior to fixing to ground.

  • Full site installation of skid and associated tie in pipework.

  • Structural support installation, including grouting.

  • Full MDR documentation package.

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